01 October 2007

Just to see you smile

We are back from the lil git away we had for the weekend. Was a wonderful trip that really helped recharge my batteries. I really yearn for every second I can be away from the city.

The weekend highlights for me were: (No particular order)

Learnin we had at least one new neighbor. The closest house to the cabin has had a few black bear sightings. Called my buddy Tater to git some info about bears and heard the words of wisdom "They ain't nuthin but damn overgrown raccoons"

CDB got lost durin our nighttime, pre-moonrise 4wheeler excursion. Pretty excitin to git turned around in pastures you have walked since childhood.
I don't point this out to poke fun, it really is neat to git lost in an area so familiar, makes you realise how wild and unpredictable your own land can be.

Did y'all have that awesomely over bright moon out there as well? Once it popped over the mountains you woulda thought it was 6am!

Got to sleep late!!! Was woken up by her laughin bout the perch she caught in the pond on the second morning.

Got to see Rooster again, missed that horse, and dang he is a super stud, looks great from runnin those cows all over the ranch!

Had a very pretty doe jump outta the tree line and streak right past us. She was absolutely perfect in color and conformation. Don't see doe like that every day.

Noticeably less pig tracks! Think the neighbor has been pressuring them pretty good.

Had my now traditional race across the pasture with Daisy, poor Violet still hasn't caught on and was left eatin our dust again! Was even more excitin then usual due to the overgrown field. When I hit third gear I thought my wife was gonna squeeze me in half.

Cindy's Grandma reminded me I'm family now!

Last but not least:

Got to see my wife's real smile, not the one she wears round here.


katy said...

glad you are fully recharged, does us the world of good to get away from it all

CindyDianne said...

I didn't even know how much I missed Rooster.

Husband, I had a good time with you. Thanks again for going with me!

DJ Kirkby said...

Ah I love the sweet things you write about your wife. We had that huge moon over here too, I thought one of the obys had left a light on downstairs as we hav eno curtain on our wall to wall kitchen window and the downstairs was flooded with light.

Heidi the Hick said...

I love it!!! I love your descriptions and I HAVE GOT TO get outta town so bad!!!!

Coffeypot said...

I love being in the woods, too. It is fun to sit by a tree before sun-up and listen to the Forrest come alive. Then go to the Waffle House for a cup of coffee.