25 June 2009

Not it

Waitin is over, not me.

I can't help but feel a lil disappointed. Perfect job, perfect lil town, excellent timing. Just was not chosen.

Cindy and I prayed a very specific prayer about this job. That God would not give me this opportunity if He knew it was not right for us, where we wanted to be in the future, or any other thing He knew that we did not.

Still, I am disappointed. What reason did they have for passin me up? The other guy have more experience? Something HR did not like in my background?

How many times do I do this? Pray, and if I don't like my answer feel let down and disappointed? Who else does this? Just me? I really am curious.

On a more positive note, thanks to my insider contact at least I will be able to find out why I was passed over.


Coffeypot said...

There is what you want and what God wants. You know God has a plan, but you, as a mere mortal human, wanted something that you didn't get. I want to win the lottery but God wants me to spend $5.00 a week to help…uh…supposedly the state schools, but I wonder. It's okay to feel disappointed for not getting what you want. I sure am. But you will really be happy when you get what God wants you to have, and I will too when He wants me to win a bunch of millions.

:) said...

must be something even better just around the corner....