16 April 2009

I am bad?

Today, after my Wife came back from stimulating the economy with her momma, her mom realized I was writing emails to my State and Federal elected officials. Just a friendly Howdy and a what have you done? kinda email. Seriously y'all, send email, call, stop on in their offices, they work for you, remind em that locals put em in place and to not forgit their roots. Heck, I didn't even vote for one of em, but she is still accountable to my community. To our two Senators I asked em if they were Washingtonians or Texans.

I also asked them to talk to the head of Homeland Security. I found if VERY offensive that they have made statements about our returning vets, and to watch out before they turn into another McVey. I also was annoyed to find out I am a right wing extremist according to this report from DHS.

Hmmm, when did supporting strong borders, a strong Constitution, believing in God, and thinking my State government is better at knowin what I want over the Feds make me bad?

I am still confused how the Media has conveniently forgot/hidden the fact that EVERY governmental massacre of the 20th century was a from leftist/liberal. Pretty darn sure Rawanda was leftist rebels, but they have such long tribal memories it is hard to tell. Think about the rest: Hitler=Nazi (Short for National Socialist), Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro=communists. I know I am forgiting more then a few in my list here, sorry.

My point is How am I bad again?


CindyDianne said...

No worse than I am Honey Bunch.

Angela said...

It's good to let the politicians know we are watching them. Way to take the initiative!