23 August 2007

Call of the wild

I am so lookin forward to this weekend!

On friday a few buddies and I are headin to the deer lease for a weekend of drinkin, shootin, chainsawin, BSin, and hopefully killin.

The plan is to leave after we git off work, head west and set up camp. A night of coyote/fox/bobcat callin. Sleep thru the heat of the day and hopefully scare up some feral hogs.

Wife, clean out the freezer, I'm bringin home the bacon!

(But please don't throw out the fox head, I swear I'll git it cleaned on of these days)


Coffeypot said...

Hopefully you aren't drinking and shooting at the same time. Otherwise, have a great time.

DJ Kirkby said...

Have fun and bring home the winter meat! Good man.